Your support makes it all happen.
Shakespeare needed Elizabeth; Moliere needed Louis XIV. We need you.
PNT has never been in debt in 24 seasons, thanks to you. Ticket sales, however, can only cover a portion of our costs. If you enjoy what we do, please consider making a tax-deductible donation.
We are one of the few theaters our size in Los Angeles that pays its artists - not what they deserve, to be sure, but above the union minimum. Your donation allows us to pay them and our overhead, and keep our programs available to all members of the community.
How can you donate to Parson's Nose Theater?
1 - Paypal or Credit Card? Click above.
2 - Checks made out to “Parson’s Nose Theater”
and mailed to:
Parson’s Nose Theater, 95 North Marengo Avenue, Suite 110, Pasadena, CA 91101
Thank you for allowing us to bring classic works to all.